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My work is situated in developing democracies in West Africa, and explores the role and influence of civil society on democracy and development, including the ability of civil society to impact citizen participation and civic engagement, its role in advocacy and public policy making, its capacity to elicit public and social accountability, its potential role in anti-corruption initiatives and in the promotion of ethical behavior, and in provision of service delivery. I am also interested in creating innovative and contextually-appropriate higher education initiatives that help build capacity for the third sector in Africa. A major objective of my work is to expand our understanding of the potential role of civil society in democratic development. 




Obadare, Ebenezer and Kelly Krawczyk. Co-editors, Symposium Issue on Civil Society and Philanthropy in West Africa. Symposium introduction: “Civil Society and Philanthropy in Africa: Parallels, Paradoxes and Promise.” Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly. DOI: 10.1177/08997640211057453.


Krawczyk, Kelly. “Strengthening Democracy and Increasing Political Participation in Liberia: Does Civil Society Density Matter?” Journal of Civil Society. DOI: 10.1080/17448689.2021.1923905.


Krawczyk, Kelly, Olivia Cook, and Jiaxin Liu. “US INGOs Working in International Development in Sub-Saharan Africa:  Organizational Factors That Impact Their Ability to Attract Private Donations.” Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing. DOI: 10.1080/10495142.2020.1865230.


Krawczyk, Kelly. 2018. “The Relationship Between Liberian CSOs and International Donor Funding: Boon or Bane?” Special Issue of Voluntas: The International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations on “Aid Reduction and Local Civil Society: Causes, Comparisons, and Implications." Volume 29 (2): 296-309.





Recent Funded Research
Recent Government & Professional Publications

Ezeonu, Brian and Kelly Krawczyk. February 2022. “Lending Corruption and Bank Loan Contracting: Implications for Gender Inequity and Inclusive Growth in Nigeria.” ACE-SOAS Consortium (Anti-Corruption Evidence and School of Oriental & African Studies at the University of London). Working Paper 041.


Ezeonu, Brian and Kelly Krawczyk. February 2022. “Lending Corruption and Bank Loan Contracting: Implications for Gender Inequity and Inclusive Growth in West Nigeria.” ACE-SOAS Consortium. Briefing Paper 17.


Krawczyk, Kelly. 2021. “Global Philanthropy Environment Index: Liberia Country Report.” Indiana University Lily Family School of Philanthropy.


Krawczyk, Kelly. May 2020. “Ghanaian Civil Society and COVD-19: Opportunities and Obstacles.” Special publication of Democracy Watch: Ghana Center For Democratic Development.

Recent Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications


“Participatory Philanthropy and Service Learning." Alabama, Ghana, and Liberia.

Co-PI with Felicia Tuggle and Peter Weber. Daniel F. Breeden Endowed Grant Program. $3,000.


“Lending Corruption and Bank Loan Contracting: Implications for Gender Inequity and Inclusive Growth in West Africa.” Principal Investigator (with Co-PI Hayford Nsiah and Brian Ezenou). Anti-Corruption Evidence (ACE) Research Consortium and the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at University of London. $120,000 USD (92,000 British pounds).


“Challenging Inequality Through Civil Society.” Intermural Grants Program Award, Interdisciplinary Team Research Grant. Auburn University Office of the Vice President for Research. Co-Principal Investigator (with Felicia Tuggle).  Field research on advocacy and social justice in Liberia. $20,788.


Competitive Summer Research Grant. Principal Investigator. Field research on the role of civil society during the Ebola outbreak in Liberia. Auburn University College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. $10,000.


Faculty Internationalization Grant. Funding to pursue joint research collaboration with faculty at University of Ghana-Legon and Ghana Center for Democratic Development. Auburn University Office of International Programs. $4,000.

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